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Attorney Kyle Murray is experienced in representing those who hold Commercial Driver's Licenses charged with moving violations. Kyle Murray has successfully represented many CDL holders charged by the State of Minnesota with traffic infractions.


Commercial Driver's License problems are especially worthy of challenging in court. Not only is paying a fine an issue for CDL drivers, but CDL points increase and jeopardize that driver's livelihood. Insurance rates are one thing - not being able to perform your job because of multiple moving violations is a realistic possibility. If you or a friend has been charged with a traffic violation, Hurry, Call Murray, for a consultation to learn more about your rights, collateral consequences, and hire an attorney who can make a difference in your case.


When a person is charged with a traffic violation such as a speeding ticket, failure to drive with due care, rolling a stop-sign or another moving violation, a common belief is that it is not worth fighting... that is not true. The worst thing that can happen for a driver is to find out after the fact that it is too late to change their plea; now, perhaps hundreds and even thousands of dollars later, that person's insurance has increased so much that hiring a lawyer would have paid for itself! And this is after paying hundreds of dollars for fines and surcharges, all over what seemed at the time like a minor traffic infraction.


For CDL holders, Kyle Murray has achieved outcomes that clients did not believe were possible. One such example is an 18-wheel trucker who found himself in a nearly impossible situation where following the letter of the law was not an option. The trucker was charged with failure to drive with due care and making an illegal U-turn when he found himself on a closed two-lane road and no way to continue forward.


His rig was simply too large to turn around on the road  and he would have had to drive in reverse for three miles (also illegal) in hopes of getting out of his sticky situation. The trucker made his best attempt to maneuver his semitruck back the way he came but ultimately became stuck, unable to move and blocking both lanes of the roadway. This trucker was faced with having to plead guilty to one moving violation on condition of dismissal of the other. He could choose an illegal U-turn or failure to drive with due care. Both of these would affect his CDL record. Not to mention, the damage to his truck and towing costs from the incident were a form of punishment in itself.


Fortunately, Kyle Murray found a workaround for this driver. What was the result? The driver avoided trial and still came out of the incident without a single point against his Commercial Driver's License. Kyle Murray was able to work with the prosecution in a mutually beneficial way that both parties could walk away satisfied. In effect, that trucker's seemingly unavoidable mistake was met with the best outcome possible thanks to Kyle Murray's experience and creative thinking.


For CDL holders, be sure to save my contact information because you or a friend may need it. When that happens, Hurry, Call Murray!

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