Child support exists to ensure that a child’s needs are taken care of until emancipation. Child support is set based upon factors such as how many overnights a child has with each parent, the gross income for each parent individually, and other factors, like costs of daycare, medical coverage, and whether the parents or children receive various forms of public assistance.
When child support is being negotiated or order by a judge, the person owing child support is the obligor (payor) and the person receiving the child support is the obligee (payee). Determining which parent is owed child support payments is based largely on a calculation between the parties’ financial circumstances, and the amount of time spent with the child.
Kyle has experience representing mothers and fathers in the child support process. If you feel like your child support obligation is too high, or the other party’s obligation is too low, there are methods to correcting the court order to ensure your voice is heard, and that you have a meaningful opportunity to change the order as it was set. Getting in contact with Murray Legal for a consultation will, at a minimum, give you peace of mind, an idea of what lies ahead, and whether it makes financial sense to pursue a change given the circumstances of your case.